Girls & Boys Youth Volleyball Clinic
@ Longmeadow High School
Sept 20, 2022 - Oct 29, 2022
Grades 1 - 9
Join PV Co-Director and Longmeadow Girls Varsity Volleyball Coach George Mulry and his team at this high energy, skill packed, clinic open to boys & girls in grades 1-9 that offers participants the experience of learning the basic skills and rules needed to play the game.
Participants will receive a t-shirt.
Grades 6-9 will meet Tu/Th 7-8pm & Sat 10-11am ($140 for Six Weeks/15 Sessions)
Grades 1-5 will meet on Saturday mornings only from 9-10am ($70 for Six Weeks/6 Sessions)
Registration is through Longmeadow Parks & Recreation.
@ Longmeadow High School
Sept 20, 2022 - Oct 29, 2022
Grades 1 - 9
Join PV Co-Director and Longmeadow Girls Varsity Volleyball Coach George Mulry and his team at this high energy, skill packed, clinic open to boys & girls in grades 1-9 that offers participants the experience of learning the basic skills and rules needed to play the game.
Participants will receive a t-shirt.
Grades 6-9 will meet Tu/Th 7-8pm & Sat 10-11am ($140 for Six Weeks/15 Sessions)
Grades 1-5 will meet on Saturday mornings only from 9-10am ($70 for Six Weeks/6 Sessions)
Registration is through Longmeadow Parks & Recreation.